Summer 2014
Dear “Give Ye Them to Eat” (GYTTE) Friends, Supporters, AWARE Team Leaders, Team Members and Volunteers: We at GYTTE pray you have enjoyed your summer vacation with family and friends! We have been very busy in a crazy good way providing continuous services to communities in thirst of learning self-sustainable developmental techniques and eco-friendly sound environment alternatives to improve their lives and surrounding conditions.
April 2014
At the “Tree of Life” Training Center our Community Development Program staff provided Guided Tours educating people from communities, educational institutions and churches about ways rural communities can overcome their socio-economical environmental challenges successfully with the resources they have available.
May 2014
Our Community and Family Health Program provided four Regional Meetings within the state of Puebla offering continued education to our Health Workers while allowing them to share their health experience accomplishments of the particular rural communities they serve.
Professional Science Educators from Puebla’s Department of Education arrived at our “Tree of Life” Training Center to receive their Workshop: Dehydration of Fruits and Vegetables. |

Health workers at their Regional Meeting

VBS Workshop
June 2014
Our Main Office personnel prepared 2014 Vacation Bible School material for Mexico’s Southeast Conference sector and held a demonstrative workshop for the adequate use of the material.
Our Training Center staff visited Cuautla, a rural sector, to give a Dry Composting Toilet Workshop, while offering the community hands on experience on how to build it.
Some Training Center staff attended a Seminar: How to Transform Conventional Houses into Eco-friendly Homes.
More Technical Educational institutions arrived at our training center to receive the following Workshops: Recycled Paper, Straw-bale Construction, Solar Cooker. |
July 2014
Additional Guided tours were provided to educational institutions in which students had to focus on learning ecologically sound practices and ponder on how some practices could be used in their community.
August 2014
Our Training staff was invited by the Huixcolotla municipal community development leader, of a rural village, to provide an exposition of the various services our “GYTTE” Ministry offer to needy rural sectors within the state of Puebla. Our services aid the areas of: health, agriculture, livestock, community development, also church and faith development.
These same staff members will be offering a 3 day Workshop on: Straw-bale Construction, Dry Composting Toilet, Square Foot Gardening, Recycled Paper and Rain Water Collection Alternatives.
Our GYTTE Office staff, throughout the summer and now continue to coordinate and develop the health materials, props and aids needed for the Basic Health Course which prepares women to become community based primary health workers helping their communities.

More than 500 students and villagers attended the Huixcolotla “Give Ye Them To Eat” exposition. |
Our GYTTE personnel want to thank Terry and Muriel Henderson for returning to Mexico to be the volunteer missionary couple in charge during this summer, while our new missionaries: Carmen, Alejandro and their daughter Deborah were sharing the GYTTE Mission with churches within the United States. |
God bless the churches that opened their doors and hearts to receive Carmen, Alejandro and Deborah and gave them the opportunity to share our GYTTE Ministry with their congregations. The churches in California were: Northridge UMC, First UMC Pasadena, Yucaipa UMC, UMC Sierra Madre, First UMC Reseda, University UMC Redlands, The Hispanic Church of Jesus Christ Column of Love Redlands, Community UMC Huntington Beach, Church of the Foothills UMC Duarte, Saint Andrew UMC- Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo UMC. Various churches in Pennsylvania also received our new missionaries: Selinsgrove UMC, UMC Trucksville, UMC Shavertown, Country Side UMC, Mount Nittany UMC-State College, and UMC Otterbein-Carlisle. Additionally the Ocala West UMC of Florida and the First Presbyterian Church of Hormigueros, Puerto Rico welcomed them as well.
Remember all the initiatives our GYTTE Ministry provides to impoverished rural sectors help positively transform lives and communities. They are made available through your generous donations. May those gracious givers be blessed abundantly! At this time the needs within rural communities surpass our ability to financially accomplish them. Currently we have only received 29% of our 2014 Advance budget goal of $170,000.00 dollars. We need your support now more than ever to continue representing Christ’s hands and feet in Mexico, our neighboring country, which is undergoing constant turmoil.
There are many ways you can help:
Our immediate need is to sponsor 25 rural women for their first Health Course, the cost per woman is $350.00 dollars.
Promote “GYTTE” as your monthly mission.
Purchase our handcrafted recycled paper 2014 Christmas cards made by the women of our village. A ten card box for $20.00 dollars. The box has five different styles of cards including a Christmas greeting and a Bible verse. Order now until October 31st, 2014.
Coordinate an Ice Water Bucket Challenge among ministries within your church for the “GYTTE” Mission.
Also GivingTuesday will be on December 2, 2014. This is another way you can greatly help support our ministry through the GBGM Advance. View our Alternative Gift Shopping Market in which you can determine how you can help communities be transformed.
Please integrate all the options with prayer. Ephesians 6:18 “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,” There is power in prayer!
To see Christmas Cards click on the Alternative Gift Market that will take you to our “Alternative Gift Shopphing Market”. To place an order e-mail us at GYTTEphm@aol.com
Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GiveYeThemToEat to see photos of our activities and of the recent visits made by our missionaries to various churches to share the GYTTE Ministry during this summer. |