Church and Faith Development |

Rev. Raquel Balbuena, a former GYTTE scholarship student, was ordained an elder at the Southeast Annual Conference this past July. |
This summer GYTTE scholarship student, Hector Loera, graduated from the John Wesley Seminary in Monterrey , Mexico . |

Quality used suits and clothing were distributed to the clergy families at the Shepherd's Wardrobe which GYTTE sponsors at Conference each year. |
The GYTTE staff produced and distributed the 2005 Advent & Christmas Materials as well as the summer VBS Curriculum. |

GYTTE hosted two Teacher Training Events to which 111 Sunday School teachers, from around the conference, attended.
Pueblo Partners Program: Agriculture, Community and Livestock Development

GYTTE hosted five workshops on Dry Composting Toilets with a total of 71 villagers attending.

The staff taught one workshop on Soil Conservation Methods to a group of 10 participants.

The staff taught one workshop on Soil Conservation Methods to a group of 10 participants.

Eight students attended school this past academic year as a result of GYTTE's scholarship program. Scholarship recipient, Zuri Márquez, graduated from the School of Nursing at the Tlaxcala State University.
More Than A Bandage: The Community and Family Health Program |

Four Regional Meetings were held in the autumn of 2005 on the theme of Family Violence. A total of 49 Health Workers attended these day-long meetings.

Sixteen women received scholarships to complete their training as Community-Based Primary Health Workers.

Five Regional Meetings were hosted in the spring of 2006 where the subject taught was High Blood Pressure. Seventy-one women attended these continuing education events.

The Health Workers, trained through the GYTTE program, administered first aid and taught preventive health measures to 10,847people during this twelve month period.
The A.W.A.R.E. Program (Alternative Work/Study And Reality Experience) |

GYTTE hosted a week-long Community & Agricultural Development Course for the students of the Baez Camargo Methodist Seminary, which is located in México City. |

Work/Study Teams and Volunteers came from the states of PA, SC, IN, FL, WI & CA to assist with the ongoing construction of the “Tree of Life” Training Center.

Thanks to our donors, the GYTTE program acquired and paid for a 2001, 15-Passenger Chevy Van to transport villagers and staff members to and from training events.