
Dear Friends:
The GYTTE program staff and we send you warm greetings and are eager to share this mission update with you. First, it appears that our email address, and that of Clara, GYTTE Secretary, was taken by spammers and many of you received a phony message from us. We hope that either you didn’t open it and/or that your computer remains virus free. We regret this inconvenience. We may work in a third-world setting but we use first-world technology for communications and thus we, too, fall prey to Internet crime.
During this month of July, patriotic thoughts come to mind and we feel fortunate to be Americans and citizens of a nation where we have the privilege and right to worship God freely. There are other countries around the world where people are dying for their faith and we pray for God’s mercy and grace to cover those areas of strife and pain. |
Every twelve years the USA and Mexico coincide in their presidential elections. This July Mexico elected Enrique Pena Nieto as president to take office on December 1, 2012. He represents Mexico’s Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which ruled Mexico for 71 years. Since 2000, the rival National Action Party (PAN) has held the presidency, first with Vicente Fox and then the last six years with Felipe Calderon. Although there is no guarantee, the hope of many Mexicans is that Enrique Pena Nieto’s administration and the PRI party can better manage the drug cartels and stop the violence. Of course, it would help if the largest consumer of these drugs, people in the USA, would reject drug dependency. Please pray for Mexico and the future of her people as well as for those who consume drugs in America. |
In anticipation of Annual Conference in Mexico, we prepared our twelve month report on “Give Ye Them To Eat.” A power point presentation highlighting program activities during this conference year is also in the works. When looking at all that has been accomplished in the last twelve months through GYTTE’s various ministries, we once again realize what a treasure we have in the personnel who carry out this program to assist rural families in moving from subsistence living to sustainability. Along with the Hendersons, the GYTTE staff are your missionaries, as together we work with the poor of south-central Mexico. |
Muriel has been on medical leave in Arizona since mid-March due to a number of health issues including atrial fibrillation, hyperthyroidism, kidney stone surgery, and osteoporosis. Muriel is slowly getting better and during this period, Mirna, GYTTE program administrator, has kept all program areas running smoothly. Catalino has assisted Terry in the running of the “Tree of Life” Training Center and continues to coordinate the courses, classes and workshops that he and Estela teach. Idida and Eunice handle all the program accounting and financial reporting while Clara and Martha design and produce the teaching materials for each program area. Veronica and Chaly coordinate the training of village women as community-based, primary health workers and Yoni, Alberica and Lore make sure the Training Center is in perfect condition to receive the many course participants, tour groups, visitors, volunteers, and teams. Carlos, Liborio, Juan Lauro, and Marce attend to the crops, livestock and repairs at the Center as well as any construction projects. The GYTTE staff is a wonderful and dedicated team of people, serving God by serving others. We thank God for their service.
We’re also grateful for your ongoing prayers and continued support. Thank you.
Your partners in mission ministry,
Terry & Muriel Henderson |

Testimonies from the GYTTE-Trained Health Workers

GYTTE Program Assistant, Estela Jiménez, teaches classes on medicinal plants.
I thank God that the GYTTE staff taught me how to use medicinal plants to make the syrup that helps with respiratory problems. This past winter I was able to help many people in the state of Veracruz. I hope other health workers are making the syrup as well, as it is really good and very effective.
Argelia Luna |

Health Workers with Veronica Palacios, Coordinator of GYTTE’s Community and Family Health Program. From left to right: Lidia Juárez, Lupita Trujillo, Véronica Palacios, María Gómez and Luz María Trujillo. |
Praise God, I had a second opportunity to serve with my sister Health Workers on a Medical Team. This time it was at the Good Samaritan Clinic in Tatoxcac where the team from Tennessee came to serve this spring. I enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation in this mountainous and wooded area. This experience was different from my first medical team in that not only did we teach to the lines of patients at the clinic each morning but in the afternoons we traveled out to a different remote community each day to teach health issues to the patients waiting to see the physicians. The villagers expressed their gratitude for our sharing with them and for coming to their village being they were unable to travel to the Clinic in Tatoxcac. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to serve. I want you to know that I’m available whenever and wherever the GYTTE program needs me to serve God and neighbor.
Luz Maria Trujillo Galvan |

