The Conference Year, August 2008 - July 2009, was a great twelve months of ministry, which you helped to make possible. THANK YOU! GYTTE outreach ministries with the rural poor and village churches of south-central Mexico were supported by your generous donations. THANK YOU! With the financial constraints of 2008 and 2009 it was amazing how God used the donations GYTTE received to accomplish so very much. THANK YOU! We couldn’t have done it without you! THANK YOU!
These activities, organized and led by the dedicated GYTTE staff, and sponsored by you, directly touched the lives of more than 14,000 people during the 2008-2009 Conference Year.
Health Classes & Training Events |
Pueblo Partner Workshops:
Community, Agricultural & Livestock Development |
Church & Faith Development |
Classes on Dental Hygiene |
Alternative Construction Methods |
Production of Advent Materials |
Classes on Cervical Cancer |
Dehydration of Fruits, Veggies, herbs and meat |
2-Teacher Training Events |
Classes on Uterine Cancer |
Recycled Paper Workshops |
Puppetry Workshops |
Basic Health Course for Women |
Livestock Management Workshops |
Production of VBS Materials |
First Aid Course for Students at Juan Wesley Seminary |
Double-Dig & Lasagna Garden Workshops |
2 - District VBS Teacher Training Events |
1-Vacation Bible School in Tochimizolco |
8-Regional Meetings: Ongoing education for health workers |
Training Retreats in Appropriate Technology |
1 - Youth Retreat on Creation Stewardship |
The Teaching of Preventive Health Measures During Three Medical Teams |
Dry Composting Toilet System Workshops |
1 - Family Retreat on Creation Stewardship |
Community-based, primary health workers taught & attended to first-aid needs for thousands of people. |
31-Introductory Classes with a guided tour of the Training Center |
Preaching, Bible Studies & Talks at Churches, Retreats & Meetings for other Church-related activities |
Work/Study Teams & Volunteers |
The “Tree of Life” Training Center |
3 Volunteers from CA & VA in spring 2009 |
Construction on New Dorm Structure & many other projects |
4 Teams: CA- August 2008; PA-October 2008, CA-January 2009; and KS- February 2009 |
Agricultural & Livestock Production |
Setting for most of the training events |
Henderson Happenings
- Terry’s Mother, Gladys, passed from life to everlasting life in March of this year. Mom was the last of our four parents. We joyfully anticipate the time when we will be reunited with our family.
- Our oldest grandson, Isaac Eustice (17), from Keller, TX, spent nine months living with us in Mexico. Yes, he now speaks Spanish and really likes Mexican food.
- Our grandsons, Tony Jr. (16) and Axel (14), from Puebla, Mexico, accompanied us on our month’s vacation to Arizona. They enjoyed fishing for trout, yard sales and shopping in general.
- We have enjoyed the use of SKYPE for communicating with our families, children and the rest of our grandchildren in TX: Heather (15), Tiffany (10) and Seth (3). It’s so fun to see them and talk with them frequently by computer technology and cameras.
- The pastors Rev. Maria Calixto and Rev. Raquel Balbuena joined us in Arizona for ten days where we visited three churches as well as some wonderful scenic sites in northeastern Arizona.
During the past twelve months we have been saddened by the random chaos in this world that has taken the lives of a number of good friends and servant colleagues in Mexico. The Good News is that they now rejoice in God’s presence and we look forward to the day when we will meet with them again. Our prayers continue for their families. Romans 8:28
Terry continues to take injections to keep his knees and feet working to get around the Training Center in Tlancualpican, Mexico. He doesn’t seem to slow down.
Last year Muriel was diagnosed with the auto-immune disease, Pernicious Anemia and this year she has added another, Addison’s Disease. This problem with adrenal insufficiency has limited her activities and work. We’re taking it one day at a time while we adjust to the amount of physical activity and mental stress she can handle.
We continue to be amazed by God’s goodness and love as well as the by the prayer and financial support of our friends, family and GYTTE donors in general. We pray for you and thank God for you each and every day! Philippians 1:3-5
In previous newsletters and on the GYTTE web site, www.gytte.org, you can learn about the various ministries of the “Give Ye Them To Eat” program and the purpose of each area of service. The “Four Goals of Mission” of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church guide us in doing what we are all about:
- Make Disciples of Jesus Christ
- Strengthen, Develop and Renew Christian Congregations and Communities
- Alleviate Human Suffering
- Seek Justice, Freedom and Peace
This is such an awesome yet daunting challenge! Only with God’s guidance, grace and strength can the GYTTE staff approach this task as, together, we offer development opportunities for the disadvantaged families in the rural areas we serve so they can come to know the Christ as their personal Savior and “achieve the full promise and potential of their life as a child of God.” God is faithful and we are in awe of all those who were reached during 2008-2009 and we look forward to yet more miracles. PLEASE JOIN US IN MISSION AGAIN IN 2009-2010!
As of August 31, 2009, 41% of the 2009 GYTTE program budget has been raised. We hope you will consider the “Give Ye Them To Eat” ministries in your giving, as you can.
Join an AWARE Study/Work Team and serve beside your missionaries and GYTTE staff in Tlancualpican, Mexico.
If you aren’t on our E-mail List already for frequent mission updates, send us your e-mail address now. This will help us save more mission dollars for outreach ministry.
