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Advent, with its time of preparation to receive the Christ, is just past and the season of Christmas is upon us when we rejoice in God's gift of His son come to earth to redeem us. Epiphany is still a few days away, when we'll celebrate God among us and the heartfelt knowledge that we need never be alone or without direction in our lives. In Mexico the celebration of the Christmas season continues, culminating on January 6 th with Epiphany that commemorates the gifts brought to the Christ Child. Here, this day is called Kings Day and children receive toys and gifts from the Kings. Of course, the greatest gift, Christ Jesus, gives meaning to life in an imperfect world. Praise God for this perfect gift freely given to all. Another gift we received in 2007 was your generous support of the outreach ministry of the “Give Ye Them To Eat” program in Mexico . Muchas gracias! Thank you for your mission involvement and support of us as missionaries and the GYTTE program that addresses the needs of marginalized and resource-poor families in the rural sector by offering people training and other tools for development.
In the past 30 years (1977 – 2007) the GYTTE program has trained, educated and equipped tens of thousands of people to take care of their own needs as well as serve others. Each year the GYTTE staff and those whom we train reach out to thousands more. Thank you for being part of this ripple effect as one life touches another. It is in that moment when two lives connect that people can experience God and God's grace and love in their lives. In 2007, approximately 15,000 people were empowered to move from subsistence living to a life of dignity through training events, learning experiences, and community group activities, etc., as the GYTTE staff and those whom we trained assisted people in meeting their basic needs by creating conditions in which change could take place from within their communities.
2007 Overview Here are some of the highlights of the past twelve months your donations made possible.
A Story from the Mission Field in Mexico We would like you to meet some very special friends, Eleuterio and Celia Jimenez, an elderly couple living in the village of Alchichica , Puebla . They are always open to receiving friends and strangers for a visit under the trees in their outdoor patio. It is common for them to share their faith through music and they enjoy singing their many favorite hymns in two-part harmony. They know all the verses by heart as they have song them since their youth. Eleuterio and Celia raised twelve children on their small parcel of land, feeding their family from the agricultural products they grew, which was mostly corn and beans as well as the fruit from their twelve mango trees. One for each of their children. Although now grown, one daughter remains at home while the other children have moved away. A few send a small amount of money every couple of months to help with their parents' support. As in most underdeveloped and developing nations, once parents are too old or too sickly for gainful employment, they live on what their children can afford to give them. This couple lives in just one room and when the temperature is too hot to sleep inside they spend the nights on a woven straw mat outside.
Henderson Family Update Terry's brother, Jim Henderson, was welcomed into heaven on November 17 th after a tragic traffic accident. Even though our hearts are saddened, we know that his homecoming was a joyous event. Our sister-in-law, Pam, is home after almost three weeks in the hospital and most of that time in ICU. The family has rallied around her and she is on her way to recovery. God has surrounded us all with love, grace and the comfort of family and friends. We welcome your prayers for Pam, her children and grandchildren, Terry's mother, and our extended family. Mission Giving “GIVE YE THEM TO EAT” is an Advance Special Project of the United Methodist Church . Financial gifts can be sent to the Advance Office of the General Board of Global Ministries. There are two options available to process your gift. GIVE THROUGH YOUR CHURCH: Make your check payable to your local UMC and write the Project Name & Code Number in the lower left corner of your check. Drop your gift in the offering plate or give the check to your church treasurer to send to the conference, so that your church will receive Advance credit. Gifts are then forwarded to Advance GCFA (General Council on Finance and Administration), at the address below. GIVE BY MAIL: Make your check payable to Advance GCFA and write the Project Name & Code Number in the lower left corner of your check. Send to the address below.
100% of your donation will reach the “Give Ye Them To Eat” Ministry in Mexico.