August 25, 2005 Greetings Friends: We trust you are well and have enjoyed a good summer. Hot sunny days and thunderous rainstorms have been part of this summer's offerings in both the USA and Mexico. Over all it has been a good summer for the "Give Ye Them To Eat" program and us as well. The General Board of Global Ministries has come to Mexico three times in the past four years for audits of Advance Special funds coming to projects in the country. This has been a good experience for the GYTTE program. This month we had our most recent audit and again passed with flying colors. We are so very grateful to those people and churches supporting the GYTTE program. Your mission donations are used to offer people ideas, technologies, and training so they can live a dignified life within their own culture and country. The dedicated GYTTE staff is hard at work to provide these development opportunities. After his stay in Mexico Terry returned to Arizona for a couple of weeks to be with Muriel. We both enjoyed the time together. Muriel continues her battle with cancer and we think she is winning. Your thoughts and prayers for us have been a blessing. As always we are thankful for your continued commitment to missions and service locally and globally. And we are grateful for your prayers for the GYTTE ministry and staff. Yours in Christ, Terry and Muriel Henderson.