GYTTE UPDATE: Recent highlights from “Give Ye Them To Eat” December 4-10, 2005, GYTTE hosted the Advanced Health Course, the third of three one-week courses. Seventeen women from towns and villages in six states of the Republic of Mexico participated with fifteen of the women graduating as Community-Based Primary Health Workers.
Quotes from the graduates: “Our materials are better than those used by the government. They are great for teaching and easy for people to understand.” Leticia Cruz
“All the subjects taught are a great benefit to me as I use them in my ministry with the girls under my care at the Student Home for Tarahumara Indian Youth.” Adriana Cebreros
In January 2006 the students from the “Gonzalo Baez Camargo” Methodist Seminary in Mexico City attended a course on Rural Development at GYTTE’s Tree of Life Training Center. The objective was to introduce future pastors to the life and the needs of the rural sector. They learned how to use and teach a number of low-tech ideas in response to those needs and how the church can be a channel for development opportunities.
A quote from the Seminary’s Academic Dean: “The students were ecstatic with their learning experiences and have already put the solar cooker they made into use at the seminary.” Cherie White de Velasco,
In February 2006 eleven UMC members from southern Indiana churches and two members of Washington Street UMC in Columbia, SC. participated in a 9-day work/study experience. The team was involved in construction projects at the Good Shepherd Methodist Church in Puebla as well as various building projects at GYTTE’s Tree of Life Training Center.
Quotes from team members:
“I would come back next month if I had the opportunity.” Susan Salee